Municipality and Public Sector Insurance Brokerage

As a municipal leader, your duty is to protect your residents’ wellbeing while continuing to uphold the highest ethical standards. To address your community’s individual operations and exposures, it takes an innovative approach to craft a municipal risk and insurance program.
Because unexpected hazards can thwart growth and success, it’s vital to pinpoint them at the outset of your risk management strategy. To avoid getting blindsided, BFL CANADA can help you detect them before they become an unresolvable issue that stands in your way.

BFL CANADA is committed to providing stable and sustainable insurance and risk management solutions for Canadian municipalities to reduce today’s exposures and tomorrow’s risk.
Covers all buildings, content, computers, works of art, important files, urban furniture and equipment, contractors’ equipment, etc., belonging to a municipality.
Covers any damage resulting from a disaster caused by machinery in municipal buildings, including certain types of heating, ice cooling systems in arenas, etc.
Crime insurance (also known as employee loyalty or dishonesty or embezzlement, disappearance and destruction): covers the theft of money or monetary values on or off the premises or monetary losses resulting from an employee’s dishonest act. It is also possible to subscribe to coverage protecting municipalities against social engineering fraud.
Covers the municipality’s civil liability arising from its normal operations and from which results in an injury, prejudice or damage to a third party.
Covers the liability of the municipality, for alleged pecuniary damage suffered by a third party resulting from a good or bad decision or from the absence of a decision taken by the municipality. This applies, among other things, to decisions concerning zoning, the issuance of permits, etc. This is a coverage specific to a municipality.
Covers all vehicles owned by the municipality or leased by it on a short or long term basis.
Our comprehensive Municipal Insurance Program includes but is not limited to, the following coverages:
- Commercial General Liability
- Public Officials Errors and Omissions
- Environmental Impairment Liability
- Legal Expense
- Cyber
- Automobile
- Crime
- Property
- Equipment Breakdown
- Municipal Officials Accident, Critical Illness and Out of Province Medical
- Volunteer Accident Facility Users Program
- Special Event Program
Provides risk and insurance solutions to Canadian municipalities. We work with our municipal partners to create risk programs addressing their unique operations and exposures. Our risk program combines insurance policies with targeted risk management/loss control initiatives to proactively manage current exposures, assist in planning for future municipal projects and improve the municipality’s overall risk profile such as:
- Quarterly webinars
- Staff and Council training sessions/workshops/mock trials
- Annual Professional Development and Risk Management Conference
- Contract review
- Procurement, third party vendors and construction projects
- Driver training
- Bulletins providing updates on issues of the day, emerging risks and best risk and claims management practices
- Connecting municipalities with their peers via working groups, creating a forum for discussion, collaboration and presentations from specialists (HR experts, forensic accountants, legal counsel, artificial intelligence engineers, leadership coaches) etc.
Unique to BFL CANADA, our dedicated claims manager is embedded within our Public Sector Team. Our pro-active approach to claims ensures we are able to successfully advocate for our municipal clients with losses managed in an open and transparent manner. Our claims service offering is tailored to your individual needs and can include:
- Quarterly loss runs;
- Claims meetings including your municipal team, BFL CANADA, your adjuster and insurers, as required.
Provides non-profit organizations (NPOs) with insurance coverage to protect them against damage to their property and the consequences of the actions of their representatives. Through its insurance brokerage services, BFL CANADA also offers directors, officers, staff and volunteers insurance policies that protect them from potential consequences.
- Property insurance: a comprehensive (all risks) policy that covers most of the property owned, leased, or for which the organization is responsible against, among other things, fire, theft, vandalism, water, etc.
- General liability insurance: protects the insured against pecuniary damage resulting from bodily injury and/or material damage suffered by a third party and for which the insured would be held liable.
- Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance: protects directors and officers and the organization’s staff and volunteers who may have to pay compensation to a third party for loss resulting from acts prejudicial to the performance of their duties.
- Accident insurance for unpaid and volunteer directors: protects unpaid and volunteer directors while they are performing their duties with an NPO regardless of the organization’s fault.
- Fidelity, Disappearance and Destruction Insurance: covers theft, but excludes money, valuables and theft committed by employees or volunteers. This policy complements property insurance and is optional if the organization has a need for these types of risks.
- Equipment Breakdown Insurance: insures equipment excluded by property insurance. It covers the financial consequences of claims resulting from an “accident” to pressurize mechanical or electrical equipment.
Offers municipalities, members and non-members of the Union des municipalités du Québec, a public liability insurance program for their rolling roadways, BMX fleets and pumping tracks.
Protects your municipality from any cyber attack or computer intrusion to which it may fall victim. Our insurance policy also covers financial losses related to a business interruption, possible extortion costs or other costs related to these attacks.
Covers against consequences that could be harmful to the environment, particularly following an accident and/or gradual as a result of your municipal activities. This coverage includes the municipality’s activities such as:
- Tanks for petroleum products and chemicals;
- Operation and management of filtration plants;
- Wastewater treatment plant and treatment;
- Sanitary and storm sewers;
- Risk of water contamination;
- Municipal landfills – recycling;
- Use of chemicals (chlorine for swimming pools and filtration plants);
- Salt storage.
BFL CANADA has achieved extraordinary growth because of our consistent ability to perform and deliver due to our expertise, professionalism and dedication, as well as our entrepreneurial culture. This culture and work ethic have driven our growth and attracted organizations with which we have established meaningful and mutually beneficial partnerships.